Saturday, March 08, 2025

2025.3.8. Sun Top Lookout + Snoquera Falls

3/8, Saturday. Overcast. I didn't take my bike this time, rode the lightrail, because it was drizzling when I left home, and lightrail was running for a 6am meetup. 6 people showed up. Picked up one more (a Brit who just arrived in Seattle a week ago) in downtown Seattle... if I knew...

Starting from Sun Top snow park off Hwy-410, crossed the yellow gate, walked almost all the way on FS-7315 to the lookout. Only maybe half a mile is on trail, which goes to a different TH. Snow level was at ~3800', and solid from 4000'. We carried snowshoes all the way, never used them. Snow was compact, not sinking much. I'm probably the slowest in the group apart from the new comer, but I cut a couple of zigzags and reached the lookout first.

The lookout is completely bolted shut. I was told that this is one of the only 2 working lookouts in WA. By the time everyone arrived, it was only 10:30am. We hung around waiting for the sun to show up (supposed to be partly sunny in the afternoon). One tested his drone. It's so noisy.

After an hour, we gave up waiting. The Brit didn't bring enough clothes and was getting cold. Back to the parking lot before 1:30pm. Too early to go home, even though we did ~10 miles RT, 3000' gain.

Drove to Camp Sheppard on the other side of Hwy-410, and hiked a loop to see Snoquera Falls. The Brit didn't come along. It's all on trail. Needs a bit of scrambling to get close to the waterfall. It's quite tall, but thin. Still pretty. We relaxed here for ~half an hour. Blue sky as the forecast said. Back to the car. Passing many cabins and structures of the campground. Almost 5 miles here, 900'.

I got dropped off at REI, where the Brit had to return his rental snowshoes. I walked home, still in day light.