Saturday, October 09, 2021

2021.10.9. Attempt of Seven Fingered Jack

10/9, Saturday. Almost 30 people gathered at the P&R at 5:30am. A different group joined this one due to low participants. About 15 decided to try Seven Fingered Jack as well as Maude (an unrealistic goal of one of the hike leaders, Diy, who's never been to this area, like pretty much everyone else). The rest would go to Carne Mt. I had to leave at 4:30am in order to catch a ride with Di to the P&R. With such a large group, lots of waiting is expected. We didn't start hiking until ~9am. However, I was pleasantly surprised that all of them are in good shape, even the slowest could keep up without causing too much delay. But scramble is new to most of the group.

The first ~3 mile on the Phelps Creek trail is flat. A couple of easy creek crossings. Once turned right onto Leroy Basin trail, it was steep: ~2100' in 1.5 miles, especially the lower half. I was overtaken by 4 boys and a Husky named Cola. Strange that I didn't remember it being so steep: last time when I climbed Maude on the same approach, we had the slowest hiker in front, so the pace was so comfortable that I didn't notice the incline.

Leroy Basin is at ~6300'. Quite a lot of small larches here. We camped here 2 years ago. Today, only saw one tent. A long break here. I ate 2 apples and dried my feet.

Continue the trail towards Carne High Traverse, and followed it for a short distance among larches to a creek crossing. There, turn left (north) and go up a trail towards Seven Finger Jack. Now yellow gave away to red, and then brown, last, larches, all rocks.

I only downloaded Gaia Map, which is a mistake, since no one in the group has ever climbed 7FJ. It's a straight line to the summit on my map. Practically useless. Jack has too many fingers, and I had no idea which one to scale. I attempted one, and it got too sketchy that I backed down, only to realize that it was a wrong finger. By then, the group had diminished to only about 3-4 still on the scramble. Light snow started to fall. Now everyone turned back. Di made it to the summit, so I headed to his direction, which is a lot more to the north than the track on the map. I made to a gap between two fingers. Saw Entiat Glacier on the north slope of Maude. Took care going over a short overhang ledge, and decided to back down as well. I was getting too slow negotiating the rocks. Also, it was almost whiteout, and I couldn't really tell where to go next. It was cold up there, with wind and snow. Yes, minor snow accumulation in the cracks. On the way down, Di said there's a better approach further to my left. Oh, well, next time.

I'm surprised that I caught up 4 others hiking down, so I was not the last person to reach the group that was waiting down at the trail. I reached the parking lot ~8pm. They wanted to eat at Cole's Corner, so we drove off, leaving 2 more cars still not filled, because the restaurant closes at 9:30. Turns out the last 2 cars didn't make it before the kitchen was closed, and the group moved to another restaurant. The girl temporarily swapped in "my" car bought hot tea and sipped in the car. Just two of us don't like eating indoors. I brought enough food and a book, so we waited in the car.

I was dropped of at 12:30am off I-5. Walked a mile home in light rain. A long day!

More photos from others in my group.