6/26, Saturday. 5 of us met in Lynnwood at 5:30am, and headed to Robinson Mountain in 2 cars. The hike leader R specified "strong and skilled team". So I wasn't sure if I'd be okay. I rode with S and Ir. I've only met Ir before, she's older and slower than me, but has been to all major volcanoes in WA. At least I wouldn't drag the group behind. However, it turned out that the heat rendered her so slow that it nearly caused a disaster.

Immediately after the 2nd bridge (~2.8 miles), turn right, uphill onto Beauty Creek trail. Steeper, less shade, getting hot. At the end of the official trail is a flowering slope. Just before that is a creek crossing, where we had lunch and refill.

Drop down a bit after the SE Peak. Two stretches of last snow clang to the east slope of the ridge. I was able to fill my water bottle with snow.

We headed out at 8:30am, hoping to beat the heat to the car. Retraced the ridge back to the SE Peak. Here we took the SE ridge instead. A group of trail runner coming up along this ridge. At its lowest point, I had trouble going down the steep scree, especially the upper half. Met 2 people coming up here. I think I'm the worst of our group on scree.
Packed out. We waited, and I read my book. I stayed behind with Ir because of the trail was faint. We headed down at noon, already warm. At the creek below the flower slope, S waited for us. We took some gear from Ir's pack, and filtered water for her. Then 3 of us walked out together. But soon the distance between us streched out. From here down, the trail is straightforward. So we didn't worry. I found S waiting by the 2nd bridge in the shade. I took a photo of the waterfall behind the bridge, and then took my book out and waited for Ir. S went ahead to the car. I checked the time once awhile (the timestamp of the photo was 3:52). At 4:40, I thought Ir passed the bridge without seeing me in the shade, so rushed out. By then, everything in the sun was baking hot. I reached the car, saw a note on the window. Found my group chilling by the creek, a few cans of sparkling water sitting in the water, and a watermellon. Ir wasn't here.
About 6pm, sensing something went wrong with Ir, R and E went back up the trail to look for her. Soon I heard noise and found 2 EMC cars arriving in the parking lot. Someone has dispatched search and rescue. I talked to the 2 rescuers from these cars. They informed me that a group of mountaineers behind us found Ir lying on a log by the trail about 2.5 miles in, unable to move her hands. They poured cold creek water over her, forced her to drink and called 911. Soon one of them hiked out saying that Ir was in a bad shape, then another one told us she threw up. Around 7, they all walked out together. What a relief. Ir seemed in good spirit. The ambulance checked her thouroughly, and released her. After watermellon, we drove back with her fallen asleep in the car. Then S drove her home. On Monday evening, S and a friend went back to P&s;R to deliever her car. I forget Ir's gear in my backpack, and delivered on Tuesday morning. What an ordeal!
Many lessons:
- always keep group members in sight
- make sure everyone in the group has similar strength and skill
- heat is a factor when calculating schedule