1/7, Tuesday.
Seattle Shakespeare Company staged
The Rivals by
Richard Sheridan at Center House Theater. The 18th century story is as silly as Marriage of Figaro. Two pairs of lovers. Both wealthy. The lovers fretted over stupid jealousy and pretense. I don't see the point of playing something like this in the modern era. The acting is pretty good, especially the two elders: Mrs. Malaprop and Sir Anthony Absolute. I also like the acting of Faulkland (the forever doubting), Bob Acres (the cowardly buffoon), Lucy (the conniving maid). However, I don't like the actress of Lydia: she slouches too much and unnatural. No real stage, just a background image of Baths with some furniture pieces being moved in and out. It's good enough. I like the directing of the play, quite a few quirky and funny bits, including here, when Mrs. Malaprop and Jack sitting on the small stool. The costume and make-up is quite fun.