Thursday, October 17, 2019

2019.10.17. John All - Icefall

10/17, Thursday. Windy. John All spoke at Fjarraven Speaker Series on his research and his 2017 book Icefall. He and his students study the aerial images, and collect ice/snow samples at various elevations, to correlate the cause and effect of human impact (civil war, clear cut, agriculture practice, burns) and climate change to the environment in Peru and Nepal. Seems straight forward and simple, but difficult to execute. I asked him about car exhaust in Peru. He said that his data show that agriculture practice has much larger impact to the high altitudes than urban exhaust. In Q&A, he also talked in more detail about his fall, Everest climb, and potential local project in North Cascades.

Pali Hotel next door provided 3 kinds of appetizer and some drink. Very windy today.