Saturday, January 12, 2019

2019.1.11-12 1-day WeCode Hackerthon by Nike + Puppet

1/11, Friday 6-10pm, event kick off. Desert (cookies, cupcakes, baklava), wine & beer, delivered by Portland Peddle Power. Two non-profit present what they want in terms of software help. Teams of 5-6 were formed by the hackerthon organizer. Total 18 teams. We were each assigned a room to form ideas to help these two non-profits.

1/12, Saturday 9-4 coding. Submission is set at 4pm, the deadline. 4-5:30 presentation by each team. Then awards (including one audience award) from the 3 judges. First place gets $1200. The runners up get a small backpack with stuff inside. In 1 day, not much can be done. Most teams present wire frames or story books. UI is most important.