Thursday, September 14, 2017

2017.9.14. Spinning into Butter - a play

9/14, Thursday. Went to see Spinning Into Butter by Bag and Baggage at its new venue, the Vault Theatre. Not bad. New building. Much smaller than Venetian. A multipurpose room really, can be reconfigured into different use. This play is in a round setting, with seating on 4 sides. Not enough people to fill even 1/4 of the room. It's sad.

I enjoyed the play, and stayed afterwards to chat with the main actress (the dean) and the boy who played the rebellious Latino student.

Directed by Scott Palmer, written by Rebecca Gilman, this is a story of Sarah (the dean)'s last few months in a mostly white liberal college, which tried to handle the race issues. She helped a Latino student get a scholarship by categorizing him in a group that he doesn't want to be identified with; consoled a black student who allegedly received hate mail; facilitated a while student who formed a discussion group on racial tolerance. The dialogue between her and her colleges are more interesting to me than these incidents: witty and sarcastic. Overall, quite insightful (if not a bit exaggerated), well acted.