Wednesday, February 22, 2017

2017.2.22. Jeff Garmire Speaks at Lucky Lab

2/22. Wednesday evening. Jeff Garmire talked about his 2016 Calendar Triple Crown hike at Lucky Lab pub on Quimby, organized by Mt. St. Helens Institute. He's the 5th person who completed this feat. Even though I don't understand what's the point of hiking AT in Feb-March, rushing through Sierra in May, this is still an amazing achievement. He's young, looks very normal, sounds quite humble for his age. He said the base weight of his pack is 11-18 lb, depending on the season (what type of winter gears to carry). This sounds quite sane. I enjoyed the talk.

He walked on average 30+ miles/day for 252 days (including transit between the hikes). Longest day: 52 miles. Showed less than 30 times.