Sunday, December 18, 2016

2016.10.18. Snowshoe to Twin Lakes from Barlow Pass Snow Park

12/18 Saturday, cloudy - sunny - cloudy. Twin Lakes from Barlow Pass Snow Park, but we didn't go to Palmateer Point. We followed PCT south, went to Upper Lake, then Lower Lake, then out. Total about 8-9 miles (9am-2:30pm). The Upper Lake has view of Hood at its SW end. Not sure about Lower Lake. We didn't have time to walk around, because one of us turned back earlier. There's a creek, outlet of the Upper Lake, running under ice and snow.

The trail is well trodden. Gentle elevation changes, up and down. Fabulous weather for December. The lakes are very pretty now, totally white. I didn't walk across the lake. The temperature wasn't too cold. Sometimes you'd be hit by a snowball falling off the top of a tree. Obstructed glimpse of Hood at times.