Sunday, June 19, 2016

2016.6.19. Paradise Park

6/19. Partly sunny. 4 of us hiked Paradise Park trail, starting from a campground (2800') on FR2639-021. The trail is very gentle and soft, slowly gaining elevation. The first mile in the woods. Then, a lot of rhododendrons in bloom. After the junction of Zigzag trail (~5.5 miles in), started to see minor snow patches, beargrass (no flowers), avalanche lilies together with small trilliums. Shortly after, it's junction to PCT (a campsite here). Trees give away to meadows and snow. Here's Paradise Park Loop trail. Snow was not enough to block too much of the trail. Eventually you can make out where the trail is. Another half mile to Paradise Park loop trail. From here on, it's open and offers great view of Hood, as well as St Helens and Jefferson at times. A few nice but small campsites here and there. From one of them you can see Mt Adams. We ended our hike at Split Rock for a leisurely lunch.

Return as we came. Back at trailhead at 5:30pm. Total about 14 miles 3700'. I'm glad that I didn't bring along snowshoes, unlike my 3 companions of the day.