Thursday, April 16, 2015

2015.4.16. Tableau 9 roadshow

Thursday. Warm and sunny. Maybe 150 attended this event in Portland at The Nine hotel. A 50 minutes demo and sales pitch. Then a break with donuts and tortilla chips. The large presentation room (3 screens, in front only) is divided in half with sliding dividers for the 3 breakout sessions (don't know where the 3rd one sits). I participated in the so-called Deep-Dive. Another 50 minutes of hands-on exercise following the example on stage. All major steps are illustrated in a document and 2 data sets can be downloaded from Tableau's website ahead of time. Well planned with 2 helpers watching over raised hands so to help out at students' laptop.

All enjoyed the happy hour with wine and hors d'oeuvres that require name tags like like Slovak Prezek, Apricot Sweet Mustard Chutney, Tapioca Pearl Dumpling, Pork, Peanut, Black Garlic, and Thai Charred Octopus Lettuce Wrap, Cucumber, Mint. Some were carried out in a tray by servers, which I only tried Duck Confit wrapped in Egg Crepe. Tasty Asian fusion. I managed to finish my exercise during this happy hour, accompanied with food and wine. At 5:30, it's the user group event. Less than 10 people stayed. We separated into 3 groups working on a problem.

I left for a talk at Montbell about CDT by Eric “Pano” Wollborg. Enjoyed it. He also brought some of his and his wife's gear for their long trek, and a printout list.

Thirsty all evening.