Thursday, October 09, 2014

2014.10.9. Jennifer Pharr Davis talks at Next Adventure

10/9 Thursday, 7pm. A presentation hosted at Next Adventure Paddle Sports Center.

In 2011, Pacific Crest Trail and two-time Appalachian Trail thru-hiker Jennifer Pharr Davis wanted to test her limits. With the support of her husband Brew and a dedicated group of volunteers dubbed the "Pit Crew," Jen hiked, stumbled, and sometimes crawled the 2,181 mile A.T. in 46 days (an average of 47 miles per day), becoming the fastest person to hike the trail.

Jennifer is over 6' tall, very lean, a great speaker. She talked about her first AT hike at age 21 without any backpacking experience (took 5 months), her 2nd AT hike 12 days after her marriage, and of course her 3rd record setting hike. She emphasized the pains she went through, the calling in her stomach,  her husband's unwavering support. She also showed two short slideshows, one on all other hikes she did, one on this AT hike. She and her husband are amicable, great organizers of the photo arrangements and her speech. Many through hikers in the audience.

Next door donated snacks, a local brewery donated 2 kegs (I already had a beer coming, so didn't try that). Two of them also gave away many prizes, including 4 headlamps, 2 day packs, some Sawyer Squeeze, wool socks. Coming far from the venue, I received a consolation prize of a Zamberlan stuff sack. They also have 3 books to sell on the spot, which she'll sign.