Sunday, June 09, 2013

June: roses in Rose City

Portland's largest festival Rose Festival is coming to an end. On Friday June 7th, I went to see the 2nd fireworks (the first was on the Friday before Memorial weekend), advertised on the official website as 9:30pm-10:30pm. In reality, it was 9:55-10:01. A big disappointment. Not only it's short, it is not choreographed, no accompanying music (you can hear loud music from the city fair, which is going one for 2 weeks by the waterfront). I watched from Morrison Bridge, almost ideal: good view of the cityscape and the bridges, fireworks and reflection.

June 8th, the day of the grand floral parade. At 7:30 in the morning, the max trains were already full of people. I went for a hike instead of fighting the crowds in downtown. After the hike, I went to Naito Parkway next to the closed-off city fair to check out the flower-bedecked floats. Not just rose, but all varieties of fresh flowers. They were sitting between Yamhill and Alder st. Not many: just 2 blocks (~a dozen), but still nice that you can get this close. The cutest ones are from PGE and Reser's Foods.

6/9. Sunday. I visited the International Rose Test Garden in Forest Park. Peak of the bloom. Absolutely delightful despite of a large crowd on this sunny Sunday morning. Today, a bunch of "judges" were walking around taking notes. Free, and a short (uphill) walk from downtown, it's an absolute must for anyone visiting Portland in June.