Saturday, March 23, 2013

2013.3.23. The Whipping Man @ Portland Center Stage

2013/3/23. A beautiful sunny Saturday. The Whipping Man is a drama about freedom, history, family. It's surprising that Matthew Lopez, a Florida gay man in his 20s, the son of a Puerto Rican father and a Polish-Russian mother, wrote this new compelling play about a Jewish Confederate soldier and two former slaves raised as Jews who, in the charred wreck of a Virginia home after the Civil War, celebrate Passover together.

Excellent stage set by Tony Cisek. Powerful performance by the 3 actors. Gavin Gregory as Simon, speaks a bit too fast, but he sings very well. Carter Hudson as Caleb was so realistic playing someone with an injured leg. Christopher Livingston as John, is equally good. I shall be coming back for more of their performances.

Gerding theatre at the 1891 Armory is a wonderful place, combining old and new tastefully. On this sunny afternoon, the lobby is airy and full of light. The award winning rehabilitation of the Romanesque Revival building by GBD Architects achieved a LEED platium status.

Tip: Portland Center Stage offers $20 rush ticket to all performances.