Saturday, December 14, 2013
2013.12.14. Code Retreat @PDX
The problem to attack Conway's Game of Life
The aim is TDD - Test Driven Development - mindset. I've actually attended one session at work led by today's instructor Matt.
There're six 1-hour sessions, each consist of 45 minute coding in pairs, and 15 minute discussion in the group. There's a survey question as the end of each session. Same question: which test did you write first in this session, and why. The first 2 sessions have no constraint other than you have to change partner. I watched with awe of someone using just vi to write code and do test in Ruby - seems a very nice setup he has. The second was in C#, which is quite generic. 3rd session: ping-pong: one writes test only, and one writes code to fulfill the test. Constrain: no communicating, nor commenting in the code. 4th session: constrain = no primitives. Only only pass object as argument. We were slow, and had a long lunch. So only one last session, which we could choose any constrain. A suggestion is no conditionals. That would be tough.
I deeply appreciate the organizer and the instructor who spent time for us. I think I'd come again, if next time there'll be more people. Because this is a paired event, the more people, the more chances of seeing something new and interesting. So, if you are reading, please join next time.
Saturday, December 07, 2013
2013.11.30 Mt Taimu 太姥山, 福建

I got back at the gate before 3pm, with somewhat shaky legs. My suitcase was safe and sound in the museum. Still, this is low season. Had to wait for about 40 minutes, before my bus was satisfactorily filled so it would depart. Two different stops at the gate, one for the Taimu city center, one for the Taimu train station. I took the ~5pm train, arrived at Shanghai ~10:30pm. ¥208.
Friday, December 06, 2013
2013.11.28-30 Buddhism school 禅修在福鼎
After a bus ride and a short taxi ride, we arrived at the school 清静寺 (Temple of Tranquility), where they were staying this week. This is a rather new establishment, concrete plain buildings.
Quite a few temples in the same town, and a few more monastery or schools in China by the same founder, let alone other branches or schools. Why here? Well, I was here to see a friend. She was here because she chanced upon this group years ago looking for a way to reign her first born, and the founder happens to be here due to warmer weather compared to his other sites.
Quick registration with my ID. I was then given a stack of reading material, 2 wash basins, 1 bucket size ~5 gallon, a pair of slippers, all plastic, a hand towel. I was shown to my bed in a room of 3 bunk beds (all 3 lower bunks already occupied) and 1 cabinet in a separate building (women's dorm). Once they found out that we hadn't had supper yet, I was given 3 ceramic bowls, 1 pair of chopsticks, 1 small square wash towel. They heated up something in two giant aluminum bowls. All 3 of us sat down in the cafeteria on separate benches, no talking allowed. Dinner: rice noodle with shitake mushroom and celery, wheat drop soup.
After washing my dishes. My friend took me to the 3rd floor, the main lecture room. Joined ~80 women,
~40 guys. Separate stairs, separate seating sides. Shoes outside, rows of thin pillows to sit on floor and thick blanket to cover the legs. It gets chilly at night sitting still. A lady in her 40s was talking about her experience of leaving home in a poor island and pursue Buddhism. She's affable. Laughter occasionally in the audience, age between 10 and ancient.
At 7:40-ish, we have free time to wash up and prepare for sleep. I chatted my roommates: a college graduate in landscape design, disgruntled of what she called the dark reality after a year or two working (unknown to her family); a middle-class woman from 天津 in her 50s who was laid off at her transportation job due to lack of work (talking to her family and coworkers all the time on her mobile whenever there's free time) ; a laconic lady from 广东 Canton, about my age who has a teenage son. They're all disappointed about the brevity of my 2 day sejour.
8:10pm lights out. No sound allowed, no walking outside the room, unless going to toilet. Electricity is not cut, so I can charge my phone. I caught up my messages and emails inside my blanket. No heat. Hot water was boiled and filled in thermos. This town doesn't get very cold in winter. However, these two days it dropped to almost freezing at night.
Day 2. Woke up by light and sound. My roommates all got up by 3am! I immediately fell back to sleep after they left. But not for long. At 4am, someone pulled my blanket and suggested that I should get up and join the reading in the lecture hall. I complied. Washed with icy water. Bundled in all my clothes, went to the 3rd floor. I was given a booklet, showed which page. Then I joined the others chanting 药师经: scriptures of Bhaisajyaguru. At 6am, morning exercise. At 6:30 breakfast. ~7:30, founder Fu 傅味琴 walked in aided by walking stick and his student. He chatted and answered questions submitted on paper. 9am lecture by one if his early disciples, which I liked. 10am, manual labor: I swept the floors of lady's residence hall (all 3 floors), while my 天津 roommate mop the floors. 11am lunch. 12pm-1:10 nap (yes, you have to be in bed and silent). Afternoon varies. Some smaller class. Me and a few others were taught how to fold blankets. I then went out to the town. But I wasn't allowed to leave until I presented my cause (to mend a shoe) and had a company (my roommate). We came back ~5pm, already missed dinner. But I still went to the dining hall, had some leftovers (plenty). 6pm, another scripture reading. 7pm, speeches by my fellow students: 3 minutes each, voluntary. Mostly are terribly boring. Only my friend was brilliant. Her theme was food, and encouraging people to come and eat.
Day 3. Quite similar. Reading 金刚经 Diamond Sutra this morning. I checked out after Teacher Fu's talk. Striped my bedding and put them in the bucket. One local lady who came to listen to the talk graciously gave me a ride to the bus depot. We chatted on her bike.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
2013.11.22-24. A weekend in Beijing

11/23, Saturday. I joined a group of ~100 people to 天漠, a natural sand dune north of Beijing.

11/24. Sunday. Walked to the Lama Temple.

In 1744, it was changed into a Tibetan lama temple. Symmetric layout. Signed in 4 languages: Manchu, Han, Tibetan and Mongolian.

Before going back to the hotel, I walked further to Nanluogu Alley 南锣鼓巷. Bustling with lunch crowd. Small eateries, mostly snacks. Very crowded and noisy. I didn't like it. Hopped on a bus back to hotel, picked up my luggage, and headed over to the south train station 北京南站, so I can reconvene with the other 3 in the factories tomorrow. ¥2 unlimited change. My route is about 1 hour, using 3 subway lines. Line 4 exits right inside the train station. Very convenient. The ride to Suzhou is about 5.5 hours, and ¥523. This is one of the many high speed trains, runs up to ~300km/s. My line has 7-8 stops, so not too fast.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
2013.11.16. Oregon Symphony
• Justin Brown, conductor
• Inon Barnatan, piano
Verdi: Macbeth ballet music
Ravel: Piano Concerto in G major
Berlioz: Romeo and Juliet, orchestral excerpts
Sunday, November 10, 2013
2013/11/5-7 PingYao 平遥

王家大院 ¥66 (35km south)

镇国寺 ZhengGuo Temple ¥24/18 is 12km NE. Bus # on the main street north of the wall. ~30 min.

Next time if I come to Shanxi 山西, I have to visit 双林寺 ShuanLin Temple, 6km SW. It's reputed to have the most colorful statues. Well, next time. Also I have to go visit 乔家大院 Qiao's Estate, setting for movie Raise the Red Lantern.
I took a slow train to Taiyuan 太原, the capital. There I was able to take money out of the ATM. There're a couple of banks next to the big train station. Opposite a Spar supermarket called Meetall 美特好, where I had dinner, and bought some cookies for my coworkers back in Oregon.
11/8 Friday, my evening train is to arrive in Shanghai ~9am. Walking around the town in heavy smog. Had dinner at my uncle's. Met my cousin and his new wife and baby.
11/9. Friends.
On Sunday 11/10, I visited Shanghai Museum, before heading to the airport for my 6pm flight. The museum is free (30 minutes in queue), and well worth a few hours. Crowded, yet orderly. There happened to be a French impressionist exhibit from Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute. I enjoyed it very much.
Saturday, November 09, 2013
2013.11.3-4 Datong 大同
Nov. 3rd. Sunday

Mt. Heng 恒山

悬空寺 = Hanging Temple, a series of worshiping structures build on a cliff about 1600 years ago 北魏末.

We returned early enough (even though 64km took over an hour), that I had time to check out the town. HuaYan Temple 华严寺, named after 华严经=Avatamsaka Sutra (¥60/40). The large complex sits in the city center, walled off, on this Sunday afternoon, provides some solitude. I don't particularly like the music (chanting of scripture) played through the loudspeakers installed every 10m. The center temple is said to be the largest surviving wooden temple in China. Dates to 1038. I like the tower, where you can walk up for a fine view of the town (see the first image of this blog). It's said to be the only wooden structure survived from 辽. And it's in good standing.

It was almost 6pm when I entered the Big Mosque 大清真寺. They were preparing for the evening prayer. I had to knock on doors to pay my ¥10. Then I was let loose. The complex is small, but I couldn't find where people were. Some pamphlet on the wall about why they don't eat pork, and about the Muslin population in the city.

Nov. 4th. Monday

My train tonight is at 23:17, and is scheduled to arrive at Pingyao 平遥 at 06:22. Seat/berth/cabin: ¥61/122/¥186.
Saturday, November 02, 2013
2013.11.2. Hike in Beijing
First of all, don't fly Air Canada. Its customer service is a joke! During the 11 hour flight, we were served 2 small meals, and a bowl of instant noodle! No hot water for noodles towards the back of the plane. Hot tea/coffee and alcohol was offered with one meal only. When I went and asked for an extra piece of bread, I was told that there was none left. On my flight back, my first leg was one hour late. When I raised my concern about my connecting flight, I was told that I didn't need worry because there is an Alaska Air flight one hour later at 3pm. Well, I ran through another security check and US immigration, and made to my gate 10 minutes before departure. But I was denied entry because my luggage hadn't made it. The gate agent changed my boarding pass to the 6pm Air Canada flight. When I requested to be put on Alaska Air, she said I need to buy my own ticket, and be responsible to get my luggage transferred, because Air Canada would do nothing. No apologies, no attempt to try to talk to Alaska Air. Not a penny, and no access to lounge because my ticket is in economy class. I should say that the lady at the lounge was nice, but she would not let me in because it was against the policy.
11/2. Saturday.

Took 2 buses (¥1 each. 0.4 with travel card) to get to a subway stop. 1.5 hours later, we arrived at one of the train stations to buy tickets for my upcoming short trips. Some night trains are in high demand. I bought the very last ticket that evening for 山西 Shanxi, even though there are 2 trains within 1 hour of each other. Then we went to visit Beijing University. On the way, I sampled the creamy plain yogurt in small ceramic pots on a street. After a YunNan 云南 style dinner in the neighborhood (I liked the pineapple conge, pork rib soup in bamboo), we went for a foot massage. ¥60 for 50 minutes. Not bad, could be cheaper. They turned the TV on as soon as we walked into our "room". A young man was assigned to me, and a young lady was assigned to my friend. I guess the girl's hands are lighter, my friend fell asleep. I got bored (I turned the TV off to charge my phone), so chatted with these two migrant workers. At about 9pm, we emerged with relaxed muscles, and parted our ways. I headed to the West Train Station dragging my luggage for my train at 0:35am, which will arrive ~6:50am.
You need to show ID and ticket in order to enter the train station. It is BIG. Over a dozen big waiting rooms on both sides of the main hall, with restaurants and the like. Each waiting area has its bathrooms, a hot water dispenser, a long washing sink with 3-4 taps, a long counter that sells snacks, a charging station for ¥1 (otherwise, no outlet). There're always someone smoking under the non-smoking sign. ~30 minutes before departure, they check the ticket and ID again, before you can get to the platform. My train is ¥53.5 for a seat, ¥107.5 for a general sleeper (3 levels, the bottom bed is slightly more expensive), and ¥158.5 for a sleeper in a 4 person cabin. For the other tickets I bought, I had to pay ¥5 extra each, because the train doesn't start here.
Monday, October 21, 2013
2013.10.20. Devil's Peak Lookout

Total 6 people. I picked some mushrooms on the way down. Even though I barely had 4 hours of sleep, I still decided not to let this continuously glorious Indian Summer day to go waste: high probably hit 20°C. However, when I left home, it was 3°C.
Direction: Highway 26. ~1.5 miles east of Zigzag (past the ranger station), turn right on Still Creek Road. A short distance later, turn right on NF2612. This is one lane paved. Go about 2.5 miles. Then it turns to gravel. 0.4 miles further is the trailhead.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
2013.10.13. Trapper Creek

Direction: north of Carson on Wind River Road for about 10 miles. Right on Little Soda Spring road for ~1/4 miles.
Monday, October 07, 2013
2013.10.6. 白先勇's lecture at UW

Saturday, October 05, 2013
2013.10.5. Johnston Ridge at Mt. St. Helens.

Friday, October 04, 2013
2013.10.4. Ecola State park and Fort Stevens State park

2nd stop is Fort Stevens State Park, NW end of Oregon. Very few people here in this very large park.