Sunday, September 04, 2011

2011.9.3. Mt Rainier

Saturday. Summerland and Tipsoo Lakes at Mt Rainier National Park. Flowers are very good along the roads.

After a picnic at Sunrise, I started my hike at 1:20pm. Back to the trail head at 5:20. ~8 miles RT to the campsites, 1900' gain. (Wasted about 10 minutes looking for missing sunglasses and then my poles.) The first 30 minutes is super easy. 1 hour later, broke out of forest. Possible to hear the Panhandle Creek most of the time, but only had glimpse of it twice. The final slopes (after a big bridge) were covered with tall velarians (interspersed with yellow and blue). Still some avalanche lily left. At the junction, turn right to follow the trail cross Summerland. Lushly green. Flowers were blooming, but not a pronounced feature here. Only one good patch of lupines, but hikers are not allowed to walk off the trail in order to get closer. One easy creek crossing. Soon after that, you get to walk on snow. Lots of people: many seniors.

Walked around Tipsoo Lakes. Quite some flowers, again, most yellow and white. Still some snow patches and avalanche lilies. One of my trip companion is a 7 year old. She certainly enjoyed stepping on the dirty snow. Naches peak turned golden, and Rainier went icy grey when the sun set. On the road back, could see the pink Mt Adams clear and majestic.