Thursday, May 13, 2010

2010.5.12. Amelia - an opera

Seattle Opera's new opera Amelia, a project started in 2004. Music by Daron Hagen, libretto by Gardner McFall.
Amelia:     Kate Lindsey
dad:        William Burden
mom:        Luretta Bybee
husband:    Nathan Gunn
aunt:       Jane Eaglen
Conductor:  Gerard Schwarz
Director:   Stephen Wadsworth
Set:        Thomas Lynch
Costume:    Ann Hould-Ward
Lighting:   Duane Schuler
Wonderful stage set, nice costume. A real car, even a plane! According to Speight Jenkins, (who happened to sit directly behind me, and kicked my seat back occasionally), the plane is an accurate replica of Earhart's, even her clothes, hair style and the last words were authentic Earhart's. Good voices and acting. Music for the orchestra appears to me better than for the voices, except for the lullaby, which repeated many times. A grand nonet at the end, a bit chaotic.