Sunday, October 11, 2009

2009.10.10. Lake Ann

Lake Ann at the foot of Mt Shuksan's south face. Road is closed at the ski area, so extra ~1.5 mile to the trail head. The lake itself isn't the prettiest. Small, quite a few camping spots. Walked up the climbing route (left of the fork) for a steep 40 minutes to the glacier. Splendid view from there: Baker Lake shimmering under the sun, Mt Baker completely white, and the glowing red leaves of the huckleberry in the valley. A better part of this trail is in the valley, but pretty enough at this time of the year due to the huckleberry leaves and yellow grass. Plenty of overripen (almost dried yet extremely flavorful) berries and mushrooms. Came back with our hands full, freezing (1°C at the parking lot). Still managed to snap a sunset photo off Highwood Lake. ~5:30 hr drive, ~6 hr hiking.
Direction: Mt Baker Hwy (542) to Austin Pass (1.8 miles beyond the ski area). Trail head on the left side of the road. 4.1 miles one way to the lake.