Monday, August 24, 2009

2009.8.22-23. Long Beach

kite festival. Saturday afternoon: dual line kite competition; Sunday morning: quad line precision competition. Synchronized performance by team of 3, 4, or 6 kites/persons. 80 year old Ray (?) from Canada was playing with 3 red/blue/white kites simultaneously. If I'm not mistaken, I saw him competing ~10 years ago, and winning. He's the only one of his kind. The best to see.
Visited Leadbetter State Park at the top of the peninsular. A salt mash land. Lots of herons.
Visited Fort Lewis State Park east of Astoria. Slightly less crowded yet bigger camp ground. Long clean ocean beaches. The bridge crossing is long and pretty. Many fishing boat in the middle of the wide river mouth of Columbia, so were birds.
Camped at Cape Disappointment State Park's official camp ground. Hot shower is 50c per 3 minutes. Completely full. Got in due to someone else' cancellation. Beach here is salt water mixed with the river sediments. Lots of sea gulls.
Driving to Long Beach is better done via 101 out of Olympia. From Astoria, take 30 on the Oregon side is an ok alternative. Total trip over 500 miles!!!