Tuesday, April 15, 2008

2008.4.15. The last day of the 5-day Seed of Compassion gathering features the 14th Dalai Lama, who didn't talk about the recent Tibet unrest. All events are free (but tickets are all out as soon as they became available). Many scientists and religious leaders held panel discussions promoting compassion, especially geared towards children. The last panel (today 10am-1pm) includes Buddhists: Dalai Lama, Joan Chittister, Roshi Joan Halifax; Christians: Desmond Tutu, Rob Bell, Steven Charleston, Samuel B. McKinney, Doug Pagitt; Muslims: Ingrid Mattson, Ahmed Tijani Ben Omar; Rabbi David Rosen; Sikh: Jasmit Singh Kochar; Hindu nun: Pravrajika Vrajaprana; Linda Kavelin-Popov, Father William Treacy, Shelia Evans-Tranumn, Steven Shankman.