Thursday, August 25, 2005

Intimate Apparel at Intiman Theatre
2005.8.25 7:30pm

Opening night. Full house. It started at least 15 min late.

A new play, by Lynn Nottage, directed by Jacqueline Moscou (whose previous production the Crown last year was such a bore).

It's a story of an illiterate but independent African seamstress in early 20th century New York, earning her living sewing "intimate apparel" for wealthy socialites and women of ill repute. Esther, who's in her mid-30s longs for companionship. After some months of correspondence with a Panama canal digger, she marries him as soon as he arrives without getting to know him. She finds warmth with a man she cannot touch, a Romanian textile retailer.

It's well written (quite humorous at times) and well acted, especially the lady who plays the prostitute. Stage design is simple but sufficient.

The odd thing is that after the show, they served fried Chicken with Coleslaw, mashed potato and sweet rolls (donated by Ezel?).