A weekend of food and laughter with a group of women (13 total + 1 dog) at
Marion Lake. Some first-time backpackers and our beloved hike leader Julie brought so much food: baguette, liver paté, smoked salmon, blueberry, apple, chocolate, cheeses, lentil salad, fresh leaf salad + homemade cookies, ratatouille, chicken curry, naan with spicy mango chutney, freshly picked sweet peas. More like a picnic than backcountry cooking.
7/12 Saturday. Hot, up to 34°C, and muggy. A late start, one couple was late, and some ladies wanted coffee. In and out of Einstein Bagel alone took at least half an hour. Then we picked up Monica at Salem airport, a bathroom stop at BLM Fisherman's Bend Recreation Site just west of Mill City. The drive along
Detroit Lake is quite beautiful. Redistributed some weight (Becky decided share my tent, so she carried some of Sanjana's gear). Group photos at the trailhead. Finally we started the 3 mile walk to Marion Lake.

I took off earlier, to secure some camp sites south of the lake, as was instructed by Julie. But I followed the trail too far, until I realized that I was leaving the lake, then bushwacked down to the shore. Poor Carrie followed me. That slope was full of dead trees, not an easy descent. The lake shore is not flat at all. Nothing looks like a good camping site to me. So I went back. By that time, Julie and Dion had arrived, and they were able to identify some small pockets for tent sites. So rather scattered. Saw a deer. After setting up the tents, we had lunch, and as what women do, chatted forever. Julie even put up a hammock.

Finally at 4:30, we got up to walk to the other side of the lake, so we could see Three Finger Jack. After the first viewpoint, 2 turned back, after ~2 miles, all the rest turned back. I decided to check out what Julie mentioned: Misty Creek camping area. So I continued alone, with Julie's map. Only 15 minutes later, I saw this flat place, next to a creek (with skunk cabbages), with a clear view of the lake. Only 2 boys, and 2 tents, a blowed-up boat, view of Three Finger Jack. A much nice camping area than ours. I continued a bit over raised boardwalk, but lost interest soon. Saw another deer on my way back. Mosquitoes were out.

Dinner was a sumptuous affair. Carrie pumped everyone's water (I used my Steripen), including for washing. The water of Lake Marion is full of floating algae. No one bothered to swim, or even to take dip, given how hot it was. As the sun went down, Jefferson took on a pink hue. I retired to my tent not long after 9pm, while half of the group chatted into midnight.
7/13 Sunday. Cloudy. My phone battery was dead, so no photos. I was out of my tent ~6:30am. Repacked, and took off towards the Eight Lake basin. 1 mile to junction of Marion Mt. Beargrass starts. Then there's a small lake to the west, lots of mosquitos. Continued up maybe 2 miles to a saddle, where you can see the basin. Quite a good view, if not a bit eerie: no single living tree, all silver stems standing, with stretches of white beargrass at their feet, ~3 small shimmering water surfaces, Three Finger Jack right in front, and Mt Jefferson in the back. Thunder and lightening. First good size lake is Blue Lake. Quite big, decent water. But shores are too steep to camp. After that, there's a grassy area to the west of the trail big enough to put up 5 tents. John Lake looks quite nice, big, with a little island in the middle. Rain stopped. I had my breakfast on a small butte overlooking John Lake. Couldn't see other lakes, but many birds on these dead trees, including a hummingbird, a woodpecker entirely black and grey. Turned back there. By the time I reached the saddle, I saw 2 plumes of smoke. When I reached our campsite, everything was gone. I thought they went to Lake Ann for lunch, so I walked towards the parking lot, which passes by Lake Ann. At the wood bridge, I picked up a note left for me in a ziplock bag. When I got to the trail junction, Julie was there. It turns out that they worried about the fire (helicopter even came), so de-camped quickly, and now waiting for me at Marion Fork Restaurant at the turn of Hwy 22 and Marion Creek Rd. More food a drink, before we said goodbyes in the restaurant parking lot.