Thursday, October 22, 2015

2015.10.22 Liz Thomas speaks at Montbell

2015/10/22 Thursday at 7pm, Liz Thomas talked about women long distance backpacking. Check out past and future events at Montbell Portland. A larger than usual turnout. Liz is sponsored by Montbell, a Triple Crown holder, previous record holder of woman's self-supported hike speed on AT (80 days). She's young (28?), candid, amicable. There're a few good tips: a bit of extra conditioner on the hair, using pee to disinfect when short of water, wear skirt for air flow and easy urination. There's a whole slide on menstruation. I sure appreciate her opinion. I've been to Montbell's events before, but this is the first time, that there were giveaways. Too bad, I had to leave early so could participate the drawing.