Tuesday, October 13, 2015

2015.10.13. Margaret Atwood speaks at Powell's

Tuesday evening, Canadian author Margaret Atwood came to Powell's Bookstore at Cedar Hill Crossing, promoting her new book The Heart Goes Last. She talked briefly and read a small section (maybe a page). I always like the Q&A session. She's fun to listen to. Critical and candid. After the talk, it's a long line for people to get autograph. Most regulars knew to get a signing ticket early. Ticket numbers were called so readers can line up 10 at a time in a manageable fashion. Each ticket is good for 2 books. My Canadian nephew text-ed me to get an autograph too. I bought what he wanted ‐ Oryx and Crake, only after her talk. Then waited for all ticket holders to finish their books. Atwood is very fast signing her name on an open page prepared by a store employee. At my turn, while she was writing her name, I softly asked her if she could also write "to xxx". She softly responded "of course" and added "best wish", without even raising her eyes. I was very touched by her generosity: by now she's probably tired, after signing more than 100 books!