Sunday, October 11, 2015

2015.10.11. Sedum Point

10/11 Sunday. Foggy in the morning, but soon burnt out. Driving along Columbia River in the morning is always a treat: low clouds clinging to the green hills, pleasant light and temperature. 8 of us started at the Trout Creek trail head (NW of the Work Center W of Stabler on  Wind River road), following the PCT south for about 4.5 miles until Lookout Mtn Rd, a wide road abandoned by the Forest Service. Head east (sharp left) on this abandon road for about half a mile and then right to the ridge bushwhack the last 500 feet to Sedum Point. The small rocky outcrop does have sedum, and some flowing flax. Had lunch there. Barely fit all of us. Today, we saw Three Corners Rock, Mt Hood, Mt Adams, and even Mount Raniner, but not at the same time: blocked by the trees.

Found my first ever 2 Matsutake and a couple of Chanterelle today, thanks to the rain yesterday? Haven't met any other hikers all day, except for Benson, a Korean hiker who knew that we'd come, arrived before we did and raided mushrooms.